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Friday, November 3, 2017

Struggling with Isses! Hearing Another Viewpoint.

In this digital age of Face Book, Google and Twitter, people flock to find others who agree with them.  It's easy and comfortable to be around those who agree with you. We all know that birds of a feather flock together.

But while it is great to be able to find common ground with others, there is great benefit in finding out how we differ with each other as well.  If we listen to others with whom we disagree, then maybe, just maybe, we can come to understand a different point of view.  We might even begin to change our mind.  However, even if we don't change our mind on a subject, just hearing another's viewpoint can help us clarify our own point of view, and help us to understand why we believe the things we do.

What do you think?

R. Allan Worrell
Author: Father John's Gift