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Monday, October 30, 2017

Big Ideas, Big Ideas, Big Ideas!

You may know Google has a subsidiary named, 'X' whose goal is to come up with revolutionary ideas that they affectionately call, "Moon Shots".  Moon Shots are projects, which by Google's definition, will take ten years or more to pay off in some big way.

What are the top ten problems the world that you would solve if you could?

Here's my list:

  1. World Hunger
  2. World Peace
  3. Population Control
  4. Life Extension -  What is aging?
  5. Global Warming (Climate Change)
  6. Wildlife Preservation  ("Save the Whales")
  7. Energy Generation (Nuclear Fusion)
  8. Waste Reclamation - Plastic & Metals
  9. Air Pollution
  10. Water Pollution - De-Acidify the Oceans.

The first two are a given.  These are usually expressed by contestants in a Miss America contests.  The third, "Population Control", has several possible solutions.  We do have birth control drugs and barrier methods.

"Life extension - What is aging?"  is a tough nut to crack.  But with the human genome now mapped, who knows?  We may someday find the, "Fountain of Youth".   Eternal life?   Snake oil anybody?

Several of these are interdependent.  When you make progress on one of them, you will help the others. Fusion will allow us unlimited energy and we can address several of the others, such as waste reclamation, clean the air, and de-acidify the oceans.

What do you think?   What are YOUR top ten problems?   Leave the world a message to call attention to what you believe are the most important problems we need to solve.

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