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Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Republican Tax Bill and Elizabeth Warren, The Next President of the United States!!!

Today I watched Elizabeth Warren's Democratic response to the Republican Tax Bill put forth by the House of Representatives.   She convinced me that once again, the Republicans do not have the best interest of the country at heart.  They will try to tell you the new tax bill is designed to bring jobs back home to America.   How?   By lessening taxes earned overseas.  This is BS.  Read on.

Somebody ought to explain to our Congressmen how taxation works!  If you don't want something, you should tax it. For example, if you want to discourage and decrease smoking, you increase taxes on cigarettes.  The reverse is true also.  You can encourage behavior by decreasing taxes on it.  So, by decreasing the taxes paid by international companies on overseas workers, it will only serve to increase the number of jobs overseas!!!  (And in all probability it will decrease jobs here at home.)

The Tax Bill still has a way to go and it will be negotiated with members of the Senate.  But if left largely in its current form, it will be a giveaway to Corporate America and the super rich will get richer. What's worse is we can ill afford it.  In case you haven't noticed, we are running a National Debt of 20 Trillion Dollars and we haven't had a balanced Federal Budget since the Clinton administration!

Elizabeth Warren is one smart lady and an advocate of the middle class.  She was a major contributor of the Dodd-Frank Bill following the 2008 financial disaster and is something of a financial wizard.  I hope the American people will listen to her and defeat the current Republican Tax Bill.  And I hope they will elect Elizabeth as President in the 2020.

After getting Trumped in 2016, we should now have clear 2020 vision and elect E. Warren in 2020!!!

I would vote for her in a heartbeat!

Here is a link to Elizabeth's Biography:

R. Allan Worrell
Author: Father John's Gift

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