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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Knowledge Explosion! The Rapid Pace of Change.

Someone once remarked that there is such synergy in technological change that it feeds upon itself. One new advancement in science or technology makes five or ten more possible.  So instead of having a linear progression of new discoveries and new knowledge, we are actually experiencing an exponential growth in new discoveries and technologies.
In my mind there are two key technologies which caused change to accelerate almost out of control. The first is the computer. Why? Because computers allows instant computation of problems which previously took weeks, months or years to do without them, and they are used in every branch of Science and Engineering. The second major technology is the internet and the invention of email and web sites which permit the rapid dissemination and sharing of knowledge by scientists and engineers.

For anyone who makes an attempt to keep up, the exponential growth of knowledge sometimes feels like a knowledge explosion!  And of course, it is virtually impossible for anyone to know everything, although lots of us try hard by staying glued to our computer screens 24 x 7.

We are growing as a technological species, and some, like Yuval Harari, think we will soon merge ourselves with our technologies.   Will we be man or machine?    Can you say "Cyborg"?   We may soon be replaced by them, whatever they are!

What do YOU think?

Leave me a comment!

R. Allan Worrell
Author: Father John's Gift

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